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|_| ...2017-02-15 |___/
So, I'm talking angular... Older version, some 1.X stuff, and this might not
apply to newer versions, but.. scope variable inheritance is weird and annoying
to debug. Lemme explain, here's the template html:
The var is: {{varFromMostAwesomeDirectiveScope}}
<input ng-model="varFromMostAwesomeDirectiveScope" type="text">
to me, so I wanted to whine about it. The $scope of most-awesome-directive has
the variable on it, that variable is shown in the input field, all seems right.
You change the input, you see the input reflected, but the code in MAD, sees the
old, initial value only.. So how can this be? Well, seem that the variable is
hoisted down into the scope of LAD, where it is then updated.. Now, had it not
been available at all, I'd have suspected an obvious error (like, not being in
the expected scope), but because it sort of half-worked, I was hunting ghosts
instead. Not helpful, very bad.
I've taken several versions of that test, and I pretty much always come out with
INTP, once or twice I think I've come out as ENTP, but it's fairly consistent.
Now, I'm just wondering, if one can really take such a test and answer in total
honesty? When asked the question "Do you X or Y", wouldn't we be inclined to
answer more to the side that we perceive as most desirable? I'm not talking of
lying, maybe a kind of self-deception, rather call it self-ignorance.. It is
possibly to separate how you _want_ to be and how you perceive yourself?
In some situations, I understand that I posses the opposite of the trait I find
desirable, so when I am aware of it, I strive towards what I find desirable.
But what AM i then? Am I the action, the desire to do that action, or am I the
(resisted) inclination towards the opposite? I want to examine a simple question
from the test I just took: "You are almost never late for your appointments"
If they bear any importance, I am most certainly on time or slightly early, for
the very most part, except if I have a terrible day, then I may not think as
much of it.. Some appointments I find less important and I might be a 5-10 mins
late (I consider 5 minutes rudely late). Still though, statistically I think I'd
be in the better part of the spectrum, but not always because I want to, or even
think of it as important. So what's the answer? Likely to this one it'd be Yes.
But it is also the simplest question, for example, let's take a question such as
this: "When making a decision, you rely more on your feelings than on analysis
of the situation"..
I think everyone would agree that it is certainly most desirable to make
decisions based on rational thinking and analysis than on emotion. I don't know
how one would separate the two? If something checks out, if it is rational, then
the emotion, the feeling of it being RIGHT naturally follows? When 2+2=4, it
_feels_ good! So, what part is the decision to go with answer 4 based on in this
situation? It's never that the wrong logical conclusion would feel better? It
may be that one is simply _wrong_, that the analysis is wrong, the the rational
conclusion is mistakenly that 2+2=5, if one believe that to be the truth, then
it would still feel right, even if it is not. But is that decision then based
more on emotion or analysis ? In my opinion, they're both equally based, what I
mean is, that analysis and emotion are intertwined, what cause the emotion must
be the analysis, otherwise, no cognition has taken place from where emotion can
arise. What about intuition? The emotion, the feeling that 2+2=circa 4? Then the
question would have been different, but even if it was, it'd have been the same,
intuition is shorthand analysis, it's experience based, and while the conscious
part of analyzing the problem might be absent, analysis is still involved.
A question I find particular difficult, is, paraphrased "Do you prefer to act
right away or think through the possible solutions first?" Well, I'd obviously
prefer to answer the latter, I may even say I _feel_ that is what I'm doing, but
my cognitive ability to simulate scenarios are limited, and I often find myself
more comfortable with just starting to do something to learn more and better how
to proceed.. So, I might be answering in a dishonest way, I truly do not know.
So in the end, what can this test tell about someone, if not their own image of
themselves. Maybe it'd be more true if those around you answered it about you.
My 5 cents. And now, Factorio!