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| |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| |
| .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
|_| ...2017-03-25 |___/
So, the enery provider who owns the fiber going to my home has merged with
another provider, who happened to own an ISP, maybe the worst ISP in the country
and now I'm a victim (or customer) of their "services". So far, I've not been
able to convince them that when you block outgoing port 25, you need to provide
an SMTP relay that your customers can use for sending mail out... Actually, I've
not yet met anyone who know what SMTP is at all.
The "features" of this new ISP so far:
* No outgoing SMTP in any way (no sending of email)
* Random resets of my router and config
* Flashed router so that the webinterface and all routes were disabled
* Higher prices
* Lower speeds
* The most incompetent support I've ever encountered, no means of getting to L2
I'm sad.