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|_| ...2017-10-24 |___/
There's been lots of thoughts to write something, but I've not found the time
and the motivation to actually do it.. It's 23:11, and I've work tomorrow, so
it also won't be tonight. Been reading "The Best of Cordwainer Smith", almost
through it, it's a nice book.
Heard them talk in the radio, commenting on a book that was called
"Hvad skal vi svare?" lit. "What shall we answer?", the question that begs an
answer is imagined to be from the kids of current generation, and it goes like
this: "Why did you destroy our planet?". To me, the answer was so obvious it
seemed silly to me to even ask the question. The answer is so simple, and it
is short, and allows every further question to be answered as well.
The answer, to the question of why we destroyed the planet is this:
"Because we couldn't agree."
It makes sense no to ask "Why couldn'y you agree?", so, end of discussion.
Heard the "Spokeswoman for public health", May-Britt Kattrup tell today that
the average Dane is a net negative of 2 million DKK throughout their life.
She said this on "Radio 247" after 8:00.. She told that people who were
smoking cigarettes were only a net negative of 1.6 million DKK and that obese
people were a net negative of 1.8 million DKK. I don't disagree with using
numbers like that, I just doubt their validity. First of all, if the country
had a net negative result of 2 m. per citizen (on average), we'd be bankrupt..
So, well, I'll just stop there and assume she's full of shi.
Good night.