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                       | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, |
                       |_|    ...2018-02-03 |___/ 

I am still right here

Or maybe a few centimeters to the right. I'm writing many random things to this blog in my head, but almost never gets around to writing them down, maybe because they often require cleaning and formulation and I realize they're not worth it. I guess today will be one of those days where I do get something written down, but be warned, nothing of value is to be found here. Random sentence popped into my head.. "I need my life's work to be my own."

Our relationship with entertainment/recreation

We have so much available that it's starting to become a source of stress.. I long for the feeling "there's nothing to do!", instead of "so much to do, so little time!", the feeling that venturing out and making something of the day is required.. Netflix (and all the rest) is the opium of the people.

What's the difference => between doing something and thinking it vividly ?

Side effects.. Actions have side-effects.. Pure thought do not.