_ _ _ __ | |__ | | ___ __ _ | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` | | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| | | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, | |_| ...2018-12-30 |___/ Time It goes by so quickly! 2018 is about to end.. I'm becoming an old man.. I will be 33 years old soon.. Maybe that does not sound old to you.. But it does to me.. I'm nearing the point where, realistically, I've got less life left than I've already lived, and that is a scary thought, scary as fuck.. Let's say I'll live to be 80, that's optimistic given my sedentary lifestyle. Halfway point is 40! That's in 7 years! I've yet to find myself, or achieve anything in particular.. Something significant is coming up, but.. Still. Damn. It's 5 in the morning as I write this, holiday has been good for me, I've had many days already, and I feel myself returning.. Wonderful.