_ _ _ __ | |__ | | ___ __ _ | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` | | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| | | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, | |_| ...2017-02-25 |___/ It's 14:27 Woke up, ate breakfast, finished "Let's talk about Kevin", pretty dark movie. Age starts to show, I ache all over from moving the tables and stuff yesterday. Plan for today: Clean up the room, visit a friend tonight. I guess 1 out of 2 is still a success, right? :D Full circle So, in the beginnign were syndicated media, and we saw that it sucked, so we built on-demand, we saw that it was better, we ended up with something like youtube, user-generated content for the win. The syndicated media saw that they were dying, so they started syndicating content from youtube. Today I saw that the retardation has gone full circle. Someone live-streaming youtube videos, on youtube. Stop this planet, I want to get off.