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                       |_|    ...2017-04-07 |___/ 


Next week is a week of holiday for me. Going to spend it making the house.. This week was tough, not because I was busy and working intensely, quite the opposite, I had trouble getting anything done.. Don't know if I'm just late at discovering the extent of my incompetence... Hopefully I'll get back into it soon. Maybe what I need is some time to hack away at something else.. I'm going to do something in golang, just because I've done so much JS lately, and there is not really that much I can do on my C stuff.. Wizznic! could use some love, but what's wroing with that project is not the code, it's the content.. And for me, content takes just the right kind of mood, and I've not been in that mood for a long time.. Hopefully it will return at some point. My brain is noisy, too much so and I keep thinking I'm just on the edge of a brilliant idea, the falling edge, like it was there just before, and I just failed to type it down. Maybe there really was something there, just before.. I'm sitting in bed with my little HP typewriter laptop, and I'm sure I grabbed it because I felt like I had something to tell.. Maybe I didn't... So.. Let's go.


I wanted to talk about the state of the world, which is pretty crazy, and just going more crazy every day.. Some drunken idiot killed some people with a truck in Stockholm today, but his actions are not worth talking about. Then Trump did something in Syria, maybe it turns out to be a good thing, but that could go either way.. With the Russians preparing for war against NATO and Eastern EU, they are even moving their biggest nuclear submarine into the finnish gulf, because it has to participate in a "military parade", yeah, because military parades are still a thing... Well, as the book by Charles Krauthammer, called "Things That Matter: Three Decates of Passions, Pastimes and Politics" tells, we've lived in a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity so far, and it only becomes more unlikely that peace continues. I came into this world just before the end of the cold war, and it's only fitting if I will become a true adult sometime during the next hot war. I wonder if a war will make life seem more or less real, if it will wash away my dissociation or enhance it...

Book won't write itself

Themes, paragraphs, passages, quotes, scenes, half chapters will pour themselves into my head, but certainly only at the most inopportune time lest I actually wrote down any of that thing! I'm sure an epic novel is not what a novice, with English only as a second language, should write as his second ever writing. Even if I managed to get anything done except the one or maybe two chapters lying around on machine-written A4's.. Could they even be typed into a document and still retain any authenticity. Are they only special because they were painstakenly and perfectly typed out on actual paper. Even if I wrote the book, could I ever release it.. Vain. I should write it for myself, to develop fully the universe that is brewing so often in the back of my mind. But I'd become too invested in it, and want some kind of recognition for it, even it that was not the original intention. My ego is a greedy bastard best left weakend by hunger. It didn't help that I got pretty good feedback for what I've already written. I won't link to that here, since I want to be able to put up more stuff under that alias.


Looks great, it was on sale, bought it because of the pretty colors, looks even better in motion! Didn't have any idea what kind of game it is.. It's a bit like limbo, but with forced movement, I don't care much for that aspect since it makes it more difficult to appreciate the really nice backgrounds and stuff.


Played it a bit yesterday, actually, only a single round, got 179 seconds, that is decent considering that it is a long time since I've played it, and a very long time since I've put any serious amount of time into it. I'm at 40 hours total I think..


I've experimented with watching (non-cinematic) TV shows at accelerated speed. 1.1x is not perceptible, 1.2 is slightly, but so little that I can very easily tolerate it. I re-watched an episode of Rick and Morty at 1.3x speed, that was a bit too much for me though, especially the places where rick talks, he does so very quickly and his lines are tight, so my cognition can barely keep up as it is, and it's just too difficult when there's an additional overhead of hearing the words. Anyway, I think most people would be able to do 1.1x without even noticing. Not sure if I'm entirely in agreement with the practice. I'm a big fan of slow perception as well as wanting to consume as much as I can get away with. First world problems. We still have electricity and Internet........

Is the Internet dying?

Take the amount of pages on the Internet, remove those that are trying to sell you something. Remove those who are trying to show you adertisements. Remove those that are trying to scam you. Think about your friends and family, how many of them have a website? More of fewer than 10 years ago ? How many of them have their own webserver ? You're not an Internet citizen if you're not somehow present on the Internet in some form other than a datamining victim on some social-media site. The whole idea behind the Internet is that we connect our computers to this massive network, each machine gets its own unique address, and we make our computers exchange data, information, and we all are both consumers and providers of content, we are the creators. That's how it used to be, but it's becoming less so every day, at least, that is my understanding, so, is the internet dying? Maybe.


Some music are just perfect good-night music.. There is the obvious one already from the tile, "Barcode Brothers - Goodnight" and then there's a more obscure one that often pops into my mind as perfect goodnight music, the SID tune for the highscore board from the C64 game called Hard 'N' Heavy. ________ .___ _______ .__ .__ __ / _____/ ____ ____ __| _/ \ \ |__| ____ | |___/ |_ / \ ___ / _ \ / _ \ / __ | / | \| |/ ___\| | \ __\ \ \_\ ( <_> | <_> ) /_/ | / | \ / /_/ > Y \ | \______ /\____/ \____/\____ | \____|__ /__\___ /|___| /__| \/ \/ \/ /_____/ \/