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                       |_|    ...2017-05-26 |___/ 


There was no terrorist attack, no doubt causing great distress in hatemongers and haters of freedom alike. I'm glad there wasn't, means I get to write about the concert! Not sure I can structure this into something coherent, it was a lot of input. First of all, I'll remark that the audio quality was much better than at the Slipknot concert that I attended last time, but that, I'm certain, was no fault of Slipknot, but of the venue itself which was a hall bound to have terrible acoustics. Anyway, in this respect, the venue of the now defunct State Prison in Horsens was much better. There were some weird kind of issue with the sound being sometimes slightly sharper and at other times a bit muffled, I have a theory that this might be due to the size of the venue, and actually be caused by pressure differences in the air between the audience and the loudspeakers, so it is forgivable. The venue was huge, and packed, I heard that there were some 35.000 guests there. Despite of that, everything went fairly smoothly, we were there in time to get sunburn, and got a fairly okay spot. Though, spots were a bit of a touchy subject.. As anyone who's been at a concert knows, there will be people walking around, all the time, and there will be bumping into each other, there will be beer spilled on you, these are facts of concert-life, and at a rock concert, I'll venture so far as to claim they are a necessity, they are a part of the make-up of a rock party. Unfortunately, it seems that it was not only the band who had aged, but also their audience.. At some point, when you're old-as-fuck and basically want to have the TV experience, but be there in person and expect everyone to stand orderly in straight lines and not move, then you, and everyone else, be much better off that you stay the fuck home and watch the HD-recorded version later on youtube. There were no mosh-pits, at least I was actively looking for one, and never found, but I was asked to keep my hands down as they obscured the view of the fucker behind me, I did not comply. The venue, in short, was too big, there was simply too many people who'd paid a small fortune to see the band, and not the big-screen. If I wanted to watch a band on a screen, I'd do it at home, in a comfortable chair, with better audio. That's not what concerts are about, and everyone, a bit unrealistically, expects to have a good spot, they paid a small fortune for the ticket, they feel, justly so, entitled for a good view, something which a venue of such scale is simply not able to provide. Since that's not going to be a realistic expectation, the concertgoer is left with two options: bitch about there being other people, who deduct from their experience of watching the show, OR, party with said people. I went to the concert knowing this, and expecting to do the latter. But not that many people understood that these were their choices, and that, unless they were at the very front, shouldn't expect to have a super nice view of things. I don't blame the band, I kind of blame the people going there, but I mainly see this as a property of the venue.. The place was just too large... I had planned to kind of crawl over everyone and get into the mosh at the front, fondly remembering how intense and rewarding an experience that was at Slipknot, but Horsens didn't seem like the place for it.. Maybe it really was the audience but I don't know, maybe if it was System Of A Down, I'd go there again, and just expect that people would be a bit more in the mood for actually having a party, but otherwise, my impression of Horsens Prison is low, so, no, I don't think I will go there again. Then there was the band itself, people said they seemed tired and a bit unmotivated, I kind of agree, but with that audience, I think that's fair enough, when people are just sort of standing there, I'm sure there was not a lot of motivation to really kick it off. The music was still solid, and they did some nice improvisations, so I'm not complaining, I think it's fair enough to be a bit tired when you're playing so many concerts.. The warm-up bands were awful, the first sucked, but that's to be expected, but still, I've been at concerts where I went there to watch the warmups and didn't even care for the main act, like when Entombed opened for Volbeat. So, I had expected better warmups for Rammstein, they are a world-class act after all! For example, Entombed :) _______ | | __|__ |__ | | | | | | | \ | |__|\__\ __| | | |_______|

A Danish rant about the media diluting the meaning of certain words

Since this is a rant about something I thought of in Danish, and it's a comment on Danish media, this will be in Danish, sorry (to who? the indexing bots?)

Kære medier, afhold jer venligst fra yderligere udvanding af ordenes betydning

Utroligt, Fantastisk, Spetakulært, Fremragende. Vi har ikke så mange ord til at fremhæve vigtighed som det Engelske sprog, og tak for det. Netop derfor, er det vigtigt ikke at lade sig forfalde til at bruge dem ved enhver given lejlighed. Ord som "utroligt" betyder noget ganske bestemt, det betyder noget som er umuligt at tro, i hvert fald på stående fod uden yderligere forklaring. Ordet bruges især om fortællinger, overdragen information og i mindre grad om begivenheder, af en sådan karakter at modtageren, eller den oplevende ikke umiddelbart kan forstå at det kan være sandt, altså, noget som er utroligt. Så det kan vel forstås at man bliver en smule irriteret når man læser den ene overskrift efter den anden hvori ordet bliver brugt, og man ved eftertanke må konkludere, at begivenheden rent faktisk ikke var utroligt, men at det der blev beskrevet var ganske logisk og nemt at forstå og dermed tro på. Så, kære medier, forsøg at gøre jeres job ordentligt, og hjælp med til at bibeholde værdien af ordene i det sprog som i er så særdeles afhængige af.

Random idea

I have an old phone, black Bakelite with a dial, it's really cool, and it still work. I was going to update it for IP telephony, but that's kind of boring, my cellphone is just fine. So I got another idea now. I'll build a computer into it, and make it into a physical horror game. When you pick up the phone, the dial tone will be heard, but it will distort, and a whisper be heard over the scratching, "don't dial nine, please.. don't dial nine." and there the game starts, you'll be interacting with a ghost, living in the old telephone system, it will be time sensitive, and make use of sensors, instructing the user to unplug the phone, move it around, and so on.. Could be pretty fun for guests, if any, and pretty fun to create.