_ _ _ __ | |__ | | ___ __ _ | '_ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ / _` | | |_) | | | | | (_) | (_| | | .__/|_| |_|_|\___/ \__, | |_| ...2019-11-17 |___/ Did I write about this before? I've observed the phenomenon for several years, and I've yet to search for it, but I'm sure it's widely known. I think it's becoming more pronounced with time, at least for myself. It's the stressful feeling you get when you've got many more things you'd like to do, than you've got time to do. I'm not thinking about things that HAS to be done, but leisure, recreation! I'm finding it increasingly difficult to spend my leisure time leisurely, now, I don't talk about workaholism, I'm not spending my leisure time working or trying to be practical or do useful stuff. I mean, when I've got some time, and I also sense a need, to relax, to decouple and just feel good.. Then I'm paralyzed by the choices for recreation I've got available to me, to such a degree that I long for childhood boredom (which I even back then appreciated greatly), I long for a situation of having less choice, or maybe, I think, more time to waste. I guess it's analysis paralysis. I miss the sensation of boredom, I miss the creativity that comes with it. I miss the silliness that can ensue from it. I want to work on my game, I enjoy thinking about it, but I fear starting the work, because I'll scarcely have time to get anywhere with it, and I also fear that after spending all those hours on such a nonsense task, I'll end up regretting my choice. I searched for it It's called free-time paralysis.