Welcome to DusteD.dk

This is a website! My website! Interesting things are found here!
Stuff you can read..
A slight bit about what this place is, who made it, and why.
Modding/Reparing/FPV cheap microquads.
Commodore 64 Stuff
A bit about that computer I can't stop loving.
My Computers
I like computers.
My IBM Portable 5155 model 68
My machine, and how to install DOS on a CF card in an emulator and use it as a harddisk.
My IBM RS/6000
Well, RISC based enterprise server from year 2000, what's not to like?
Olivetti M6 460 suprema
A retro/learning experience.
MIDI on Windows
How to listen to MIDI music on a Windows 10 computer.
BigBox scans
Scans of PC games from back when they came in glorious big cardboard boxes.
Something about music and what I like.
Random rants and pocket philosophy, I'm an opinionated bastard.
Games and media I am currently wanting to consume.
How to Internet 2020 and Beyond
A ranting on how to be a netizen.
Hosting services from behind CG-NAT
Mostly notes to self on how to host a linux server behind NAT, using a cheap VPS as a gateway to the Internet
How to fix scanner lines
Some scanners leave nasty lines on the image, here's how to use Gimp to fix it easily.
On the Aesthetics of Programming
My mad ramblings about programming, work in progress.
Stuff I made
Stuff you can maybe use..
File sender
Send files between two online devices without accounts or storing them online (HTTPS only).
Picture of the day
I try to take a picture every day, this is the gallery of the pictures I've taken (oldest one first).
Images I have had DALL-E geberate.
My first C program on PC, also my first experiment with SDL and with OpenGL, barely a game, a bit of a space-invaders clone, thanks to http://mirror.amdmi3.ru/distfiles/ for keeping this long enough for me to want to download it!
Play Soldier of Fortune at any display Resolution
Custom resolution, fixes for audio, crashe and installation
Racing GPS Tracker
For generating video overlay for Action-Cam video.
Reaction Timer
Building and driving custom 7 segment LED display integrated in 3D printed case.
Easy Music Player
An RFID card controlled easy-to-use music-player for the elderly.
A short "game", not-very-serious entry into the LudumDare (LD25) competition.
Another short "game" entry into the LudumDare (LD26) competition.
Yet another short "game", not-very-serious entry into the LudumDare (LD28) competition.
Yet yet another game thingy for LudumDare (LD38) competition, this one is actually fun.
Excessive Overkill
The lackluster "game engine" I made.
Primitive map (discovery) tool for the Ultima 1 game.
osu! keyboard
A simple 2-key mechanical keyboard for playing the osu! game without wearing down my regular keyboard.
Intro to scripting (Slides) Slides for short intro to scripting.
More stuff I made
Things I felt needed their own website.
The FinalKey
I made this open-source, encrypted hardware password manager, it's pretty neat. Have a look if you care the least about security and convenience.
Pretty difficult puzzle game inspired by the classic Puzznic, with in-game level editor, available for many platforms.
Likely still one of the best breakout games for Linux, also the first real game I made.
Old Skool Gravity Game (OSGG)
A difficult lander-like game with many levels and in-game level editor.
my blog, actually updated often!
A collection of writings, some sci-fi short stories and some crap I've written as well.
Random weird pictures from the Internet
I collect pictures, I'm one of those people who will save the images they find fun or interesting when browsing the Internet.
My profiles
I participate in Internet communities just like everyone else, here are my profile pages on some of the other sites I frequent.
DeviantArt profile
Pictures and things I've made.
Acrylics I've painted.
GitHub profile
Git is really cool, but MS is not, so I'm going to host my project myself in the future.
Twitch.tv channel
Me streaming DOS games and making a fool of myself. Streams are removed after they're done.
Youtube channel
Back in the day, people had to download MPGs and play them in a separate application, it worked just fine, but I think youtube is easier for everyone.
Twitter profile (@DusteDdk)
Mostly for airport philosophy sessions.
Because that's a thing.
Kind of stuff that I didn't make, but am collecting here, things that need some place to live.
Old Software
I like old computers and running software on them.
My collection of interesting places on the World Wide Web.
My mirror of TempleOS.org
Honda CB750F 1981
Just a bit of info about one of my motorcycles so I can find it when I need it.